Apr 29, 2015

20 ways... to reuse every day plastic garbage

I've now been in the US for about a month and I am shocked over and over again about how much of plastic garbage one "has to produce" every day. I am using "has to" because there is no way one could avoid all the plastic that is used. You "have to" buy most of the food in plastic bags or packaging, you "have to" buy drinking water in plastic containers, you "have to" eat your food with plastic cutlery because there is no other available. Of course some of this could be sidestepped but only with a huge effort and most people (me included) would never think of for example bringing their own cutlery to a restaurant or bring their own containers for take-out food.

Anyhow, there are many, many ways to at least reuse the unavoidable plastic containers/bags/packaging a few times before throwing them out.

A few of my ideas I have already incorporated in our daily life, such as:
reusing plastic bags as waste bin liner, to keep bread fresh, as batting for packages, to store food in the fridge
reusing vegetable/fruit packaging as a piggy bank (you could even get a little crafty and decorate it)
reusing food containers to store other food/odds and ends in
reusing water bottles as planters for herbs and other small plants
reusing take-out containers as planters

Xoxo, have a great week!

Apr 22, 2015

History of the Eagles Live in Concert

I am so excited! I will go see the concert of the Eagles in Bakesfield, CA this May! Ever since I got accepted for the project that I moved to California for, I wanted to see at least one memorable concert. And I always had the Eagles in the back of my mind because I had been a big fan for quite a few years now and I knew there would be a great chance they would perform somewhere near San Francisco.

I just love the way Tequila Sunrise reminds me of holidays spent on the beach, watching the waves roll in and enjoying the sun on my body. Or Desperado, which always makes me feel a little melancholic.

This will be the first real concert I ever went to and I get that tingly feeling of excitement whenever I think about it :)

And because it's such a classic, here's Hotel California by the Eagles for you:

Xoxo, have a great week!

Apr 8, 2015

UNICEF Tap Project

I have recently read an article on Treehugger about the UNICEF Tap Project. Personally, I am all for helping people - even more so if it is for free.

The Tap Project gives you a chance to donate water to people who do not have access to clean drinking water. To donate enough water for one day all you have to do is leave your phone alone for 15 minutes. You are not allowed to move or use your phone during that time. I know, it does sound like a long time, but how often are we all caught up in tasks we know will take more than 15 minutes.

It's really easy, you don't even have to sign up or download anything. All you have to do is visit this websitehttp://tap.unicefusa.org/ on your phone and tap continue. Thanks to everyone who is helping to make the world a better, more live- and loveable planet. And think about all the great karma you will be generating! :)

Xoxo, have a great week!

Apr 1, 2015

Adventure USA

Quick update: We are in the USA now, but there's sooo much to see and do and find out that I've got almost no time write posts apart from uploading a few pictures now and then on my other blog 1001 Orte. It is in German, but there is a translate button on the right hand side and pictures generally speak for themselves anyway :)

Also, in my head I am working on a few posts about sustainability and green living. Stay tuned, I will post a new article as soon as I've got a little more time to actually sit down and get some writing done.

Xoxo, have a great week!