Oct 22, 2014

60 tasks in 15 months

Recently I've seen a lot of 101 things in 1001 days-lists pop up all over the internet and decided to also make a little list for myself. I figured, once I have everything written down and published, I will complete the tasks more easily - mostly to being able to ticking stuff off the list. So I've set down and come up with 60 tasks, that I am trying to complete until the end of 2015.

Usually the time frame is 1001 days, but I've decided to shorten it to 15 months, because I was afraid I wouldn't go through with it, if I set too big a timeframe.

I have already started completing tasks at the 1st of October, and I have to say until now it's going pretty well - except for the tasks where I wanted to exercise for 2 hours/week and meditate for 20 hours/week. I haven't even started, so I'm afraid I'll have to change these two.

I'm excited that I made myself write down all these tasks and also still be working on the list 3 weeks into the project.

To make it even more binding for myself I've decided to blog about it and write a post about my progress once a month.

Here you'll find the tasks -->

I hope to inspire some of you to make a list of their own or just follow my progress. Maybe some of you even have some tips on how to actually follow through and complete all the tasks.

Xoxo, let's hope I'll succeed!

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